I travel the world and am truly amazed with the sights, cultures, and people but in my eyes there is no place like home.


16 December 2009

My First Ugly Sweater Party

I had a Christmas lunch for Real Estate at USACE (I now work in Office of Counsel but most of my legal work is for RE so they invited myself and the two other attorneys that work RE) and we were told to wear an ugly Xmas Sweater. Fun to have new blood at USACE and laugh with co-workers. Our crew (minus a few that sat at a different table).

And those who participated in the Ugly Sweater contest (very low turnout but maybe next year will be better).

I didn’t win, tragic. My dress was sweatshirt material bought at the local Goodwill –bonus it was half off. Classic. I had plans to ugly it up more with crazy earrings, shoes, tights but ran out of time. Regardless it was a lot of fun. Are Ugly Sweater parties old news or still “in”? I realize it is pathetic that this is my first party, but I think I get a break as not usually in the US for holidays.

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