I save for retirement but I also want a plan, a business, an opportunity. There is a certain career path I am considering for the future that does not offer guaranteed continuous employment like my current Government job. This scares me as I am a planner, I need to know I have a steady income stream, I am not one who can just roll with things. So if I choose to jump into the scary waters of the alternate career path I want a Plan B for when that roller coaster ends, or as an early retirment option. This is my current Plan B obsession.

A farm for sale in middle Nebraska where I have roots. Where summers were spent helping on my Uncle’s farm, gardening with my mom and grandpa, and finding ways to enterain myself sans tv/internet/etc... I have been told this region is a hunter’s paradise - I am definitely not a hunter so clueless in this arena. This property has three cabins that can be rented out to hunters along with ample hunting grounds (approximately 160 acres total).

Eventually I would want to acquire more land. I could raise cattle, horses, chickens, goats, and whatever other farm animals I fancy. A huge garden is a must with an abundance of fresh veggies and herbs (and fruit trees/bushes). Then I can entice people from around the country to come visit this little slice of heaven. They can hunt, play cowboy/cowgirl for a week, or just relax and unwind amongst the glorious countryside. I am obsessed with Blackberry Farms in Tennessee and have wanted to visit forever.

May be able to write off a visit as a business trip if I go down this road? Anyone else dream of farm life? Or have a plan in place for retirement?
*Photos 2,3,4 from Homestead Land Management, remainder of photos from Blackberry Farms.
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