I have wanted to visit Canada for awhile but haven’t yet made the journey. Since at the border figured I should at least drive into Canada and check it out, plus I wanted a stamp in the passport! Sadly they didn’t stamp my passport but I did explore a tiny bit. I wish I would have done research so that I could have driven to a fun town in Canada. Instead I just took the advice of the border patrol and went to Big Beaver (about 30-40 miles from the US border).

I was informed there is a cute shop there. There was indeed a cute shop.

But as luck would have it, the shop closes at noon on Wednesdays. I got there at 1230 on a Wednesday. I decided instead to walk around the town and snap a few photos.

It was almost eerie as didn’t see another pereson the whole time. It was fun to explore and enjoy the nice weather before heading back to the US of A. Along the drive back stopped to take photos of this cow as I loved the coloring.

He (or she) belongs to this bed and breakfast. I am not a fan of bed and breakfasts but this does almost look fun. A relaxing weekend in the Canada countryside.

I also stumbled upon another abandoned homestead. This one was really neat and again seemed sad that it was left to rot and fall.

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