I travel the world and am truly amazed with the sights, cultures, and people but in my eyes there is no place like home.


02 November 2008

Rain rain go away,

Ok maybe not as I know we need it. Today its raining, this is rare. We get maybe a week total of rain in Kuwait. This makes me a very happy camper as I hate rain! Although here I almost welcome it as without rain we have summers that are full of dust storms – and that gets in the way of pool time which makes me unhappy! Also rain is so few and far between it’s not as unpleasant. However, this also means that the already bad driver’s of Kuwait turn into even worse drivers when the rain hits. For one they aren’t used to it and for two the streets get very slick due to the oil on them. Just driving from my office to Bayan which is maybe 10 minutes I saw two accidents occur, host nation said they received around 15 accident calls in the first hour of the rain storm (and this was just for one company!). Crazy huh! Hey at least it didn’t rain over the weekend and now I don’t have to water my plants this evening.

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