Iowa is deploying the largest number of troops since WWII this month. Yesterday Council Bluffs hosted a send-off ceremony and parade as the 1st Battalion 168th Infantry departed for training before deployment to Afghanistan. The ceremony was very neat and a tear jerker

Hard not to get a little teary when you see images such as this – the Freedom Riders saluting the current service members.

Over 2,000 people attended to show support along with the Governor of IA, our Mayor, and many other dignitaries for the area.

Images such as this were also heart breaking, a little girl clinging to her daddy with tears in her eyes.

So many families were crying while hugging their sons/daughters , wives/husbands, girlfriends/boyfriends, or siblings good bye. Knowing the loved one was heading to war and thousands of miles away for over a year. Each of these service members are making a huge sacrifice for our freedom. I can’t thank them enough. I also thank the families and friends they leave behind, they too put their lives on hold and worry every day. I almost think it may be harder to be the ones standing behind with a loved one at war. Those at war have a mission to focus on , a mission they signed up for and usually welcome with excitement and open arms. Their loved ones did not always sign up for this same mission. To all of you (deployed and at home), know that you will be in my prayers and thoughts this year. If there is anything I can do to lessen your burden never hesitate to email. I have been in your shoes and know how it feels – although I did not carry a weapon and have the same responsibilities as many of you.
I was usually the one leaving. I was always excited about the adventure that awaited me and the chance to help others. It was hard to hug my family and friends and say goodbye but once in country the worry quit as you compartmentalized the situation and dealt with it as needed. Leaving those at home to do the worry – sorry mom/dad and family! And through all this there is a still a huge part of me that wishes I was deploying with those troops to Afghanistan. I want to be there helping fight that war and learning more about the Afghans and their country…..
1 comment:
oh my, so thankful for you all. I teared up by reading this could not imagine actually being apart of it.
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