I travel the world and am truly amazed with the sights, cultures, and people but in my eyes there is no place like home.


03 May 2013

Cheers to Friday

It's Friday!!!! Hope everyone has an amazing weekend. I have a nice full weekend starting with a Humane Society Dog Derby fundraiser tonight, hopefully some yard and house work Sunday, and a nice little half marathon in Lincoln on Sunday with my awesome running gals. Maybe even squeeze in some shopping since it's Berkshire weekend.
I did manage to snap a few quick "spring" photos . Even thought there was snow on the ground yesterday morning by evening it had melted and the sun was shining. Loving all the green after a long dry brown summer/fall/winter. Will be even better when flowers start to bloom.

My brother has a yard full of dandelions that haven't been sprayed with chemicals yet. I am super tempted to try out a fun recipe like this dandelion preserve by Yummy Supper or this dandelion and asparagus tart by Honey & Jam. Anyone else have any luck with dandelions (either the greens or the flowers)?

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