I travel the world and am truly amazed with the sights, cultures, and people but in my eyes there is no place like home.


23 May 2013

Dandelion Jelly

I always see bloggers making Dandelion jelly or using the greens. We had a large abundance of dandelions in Niobrara and since there were plenty that we knew for certain were chemical free at our farm my mom and I decided to give this experiment a try.


  • 1 quart of lightly packed fresh organic bright dandelion flowers (try to use only yellow petals discarding the green which I just pinched off)
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1 lemon, zest of,  thinly chopped 
  • 5 1/2 cups lavender sugar with lavender
  • vanilla bean split (we didn't have a vanilla bean so just used Mexico vanilla)
  • 1 (1 3/4 ounce) package dry pectin


  1. Using stainless steel pan, boil the flowers in 2 quarts of spring water for 10 minutes, cool, and strain, pressing the liquid out of the flowers gently, then restrain through a coffee filter.
  2. Measure 3 cups of the liquid, add the lemon juice, zest and pectin. Optional: add 1 split vanilla bean.
  3. Put into a deep jelly kettle and bring to a rolling boil, then add sugar and stir to mix well.
  4. Stir and boil hard for 1 1/2 minutes, or until mixture sheets from a wooden spoon, skim, carefully remove vanilla pod, pour into hot clean half pint jelly jars and seal.

It honestly tastes like a fresh local honey more or less. The lemon does also stand out. It was a lot of work but I think I would do it again as a fun spring activity. Also don't you just love our super fancy stove?? Obviously our cabin needs a kitchen make over at some point!

1 comment:

Raquel said...

I'm glad you posted this, I saw your photos on Instagram & was very intrigued. I've never heard of it before & it's interesting that the jelly tastes like honey.