I needed cold weather gear. It’s arctic here. Negative digits (or single digits at best) and crazy winds. Not good I am telling you.
Mostly sunny and frigid
*Forecast on weather.com
On the plus side we were blessed with a nice round (or several rounds in Niobrara) of snow so everything looks pretty and sparkly white. I am dying to get out and breathe in the fresh air. But doing so requires major layering. A quick stop at Tractor Supply netted the following articles of clothing.

Your eyes are not deceiving you. I purchased Carhartt products. Who would’ve guessed? Definitely not I! But they are so darn warm and comfy and indestructible so perfect for outdoor adventures like sledding, snow shoeing, photography, etc…especially in the wild wild west known as Niobrara. Wearing them makes me feel like I should be going out to feed the cattle and the horses though…Maybe the Pioneer Woman will let me come visit her ranch so I can get my fix and also cook up scrumptious meals from her cookbook.

*Last two images from Pioneer Woman
To prevent total loss of girlyness I do plan to purchase these Sorel boots to complete the ensemble if only I can find a place that still has my size.

haha, yes I do think that sealed the deal ;)
oh you are so hard core, stay warm. thanks for always commenting on my blog :)
Love those boots! Hope you find them!
Boots are ordered!
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