Yesterday was the Gambler Half Marathon in Council Bluffs, I think this is my fifth year running this race! Crazy to think I have been running half marathons for like six years now. I was very very unmotivated and less than enthused for this race. I let life get in the way of training and my longest training run ended up being 8 miles, probably a solid month prior to the race. Not ideal. We also had my little brother's engagement party the night before so I decided several glasses of wine were a great idea since my running time wasn't going to be anything to write home about. Regardless I really wanted to support this race since it's local, benefits a great local organization (Jennie Ed Breast Health Center), and I always know a lot of the race volunteers. I attempted to add some motivation by splurging on a new
Lululemon running outfit - that store is danger I tell ya!
Managed to show up at the race about ten minutes before start time, find a few friends racing, and trudge through 13.1 miles. I could tell about half way through the race I would be sore but other than that it really wasn't bad. I never felt like I was dying and enjoyed each water station and finding volunteers and racers I knew along the way. As you can tell below I was super excited to see my mom at the finish! Thanks mom for always showing up to support me at these crazy races.

We tried to go to breakfast afterwards but nothing was sounding good so instead enjoyed a free bagel and beer and took a nap. Score. Had to take a self portrait with the medal for proof I finished. Overall it wasn't
my slowest race but certainly not
my fastest either. I ended up finishing in 2:18:14. So about a 10:34 pace which seems slow compared to my friends and family that run but isn't horrid. Kicking myself now for not training a bit better or at least skipping the several glasses of wine Saturday night as maybe I could have had a decent time. Another run in the books anyway and without a doubt a great very organized fun race. There was even a moment of silence and prayer for the victims of Boston to start the race along with a dedication that today we run for Boston.

The race was followed up with a much needed nap, some time working on my brother's awesome house, and then a Creighton Baseball game with my mom and dad since the weather finally almost cooperated (still some sprinkles). Turned out to be a great day!