I travel the world and am truly amazed with the sights, cultures, and people but in my eyes there is no place like home.


03 April 2013

The Race

I shouldn’t qualify this by saying I never truly race – I am just not competitive when it comes to running and I’m not fast. Therefore, really I always just jog even in an actual “race”. I have two half marathon in the next two months: The Gambler Half Marathon (April) and then The Lincoln Half Marathon (May) !!
Yikes how do these always creep up on me? I have been running/jogging pretty consistently the last few months but sadly I am not getting in the long runs and mileage I need to as I let life get in the way. I need to find a way to be more dedicated to running less dedicated to other tasks.
 Regardless the warm weather has made running so much more pleasant – I love the chance to head outdoors to soak up the sun, breathe in the fresh air, and enjoy the views while knocking out several miles.
I even spotted my new dream property – hello gorgeous old brick farmhouse and red barn! Please go for sale so I can become a country dweller.

1 comment:

Raquel said...

That is a cute property! You impress me with your runs, I need to get my butt back in shape!