I travel the world and am truly amazed with the sights, cultures, and people but in my eyes there is no place like home.


17 October 2012

Black Walnuts

I have found memories of my grandpa  picking walnuts up every fall wherever he could find them, drying them in the attic, and then cracking them for days on end. His hands stained black from the oil. He would then bag all these walnuts up and sell them. He was always quite proud of his little business venture.
Well grandpa would be over the moon if he was still alive today. Our walnut tree in Niobrara is growing like crazy and we now have a plentiful supplies of walnuts available right outside our backdoor. My mom and I have taken up the tradition of picking, shelling, cracking, and I love every minute of it.
Brings back so many wonderful memories of grandpa and we also are rewarding with amazing black walnuts for use in holiday baking. Any other fans out there?  This year we were smart and wore gloves to help reduce the staining of our hands.

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