I am sure all of you that live in a small or semi-small town have a yearly parade. One you remember walking in as a child on behalf of your school, sport team, dance school, etc…I remember participating as a cheerleader and as a Westfair Queen contestant (I ended up with miss Citizenship?). As children if we weren’t in the parade we definitely went to watch the parade. In those days it was Pride Week Parade and held downtown Council Bluffs mostly on Broadway. This year I had the opportunity and good fortune to be in the parade again. Said parade is now called “Celebrate CB Parade”, but I still kept messing up and calling it Pride Week – old habits die hard. The parade is part of a weeks worth of festivities and cool events. It is still held downtown CB. I was amazed at how many people participated in the parade (over a 100 entries) and even better how many spectators there were.

Super fun to see members of the community from all walks of life come out to Celebrate in joys of living in Council Bluffs and support their friends and neighbors. I was crazy nervous to ride on behalf of the Mayor and City Council as you can see from my face here:

I also spent countless hours analyzing what to wear and after several trips to the store (two outfits were purchased) I finally found this dress that felt perfect for the parade.

I really enjoyed myself once we started moving and my nerves calmed – I would just look for friendly faces in the crowd and work my pageant wave.

Thanks a million to my mom, Aunt, and cousins that came out to watch and be the photogs.

Also thanks to my friend Scott for sticking around and entertaining me! (really he was waiting for his daughter on the YMCA float but I’ll pretend he was entertaining me).

Speaking of the YMCA float – my little brother Justin and a few of his friends built the entire float! Nice work boys!

Wish I had more photos of it. Great great parade due to all the hard work and dedication of the Celebrate CB committee. For more photos check out my
City Council Blog.