So painful to type this as tears are flowing. Aeisha passed away Monday evening. I have no idea what was wrong or why and I think that is the hardest. I still thought we had years together. She hadn't been feeling the best all week and had quit eating. I had a home vet come look at her and he said she just had a high fever. Gave her a shot and meds and said within 24/48 hours she would be back to herself. I was elated to not worry anymore and thankful she would soon be on the mend. Instead the next evening she had a seizure and passed away. Heartbreaking.

There truly are no words for how much this little crazy kitty from Kuwait meant to me. She was my battle buddy and constant companion. We went through many of lives ups and downs together. She was always there no matter what. Regardless of what was going on I always knew Aeisha was there to greet me at home and snuggle up with at night. Sure there were times I wanted to throttle her for constantly waking me up at night by pawing me in the face, eating my hair, or yelling. Even worse were the nights she felt rebellious and would stay out all night long while I laid awake worried something bad would happen. But regardless I loved her to pieces and would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

We had almost two years together in Kuwait, and then about 4 and half years together here in Iowa. She absolutely loved exploring outdoors, especially when it was nice out. She loved to hunt and would often catch bats, snakes, mice, and even a bunny much to my dismay. She was for sure the neighbor terror and would even take on the huge raccoons if they were in her space. I loved her ferocious wild side as much as I loved her caring cuddly side.
She had her favorite spots in the house from the living room sofa near the window where she could watch the goings on outside, a chair upstairs in the bedroom (especially in the winter when it had a furry blanket), and curled up in bed often under the covers with me. In Kuwait she loved a round wicker outdoor bed.
I still can't believe she is gone. Can't believe we wont hear her crazy screeching every time she is mad or wants something. Won't have her waking me up in the middle of the night for food or to go play outside. I won't see toys hidden around the house and no longer need to buy turkey, fish, and other special treats every time I go to the grocery store. The house feels empty and quiet. I have to keep remembering that I will get to see her again one day in Heaven. At least I hope I will. So happy I got to be her momma for 8+ years. Just wish I wouldn't have had to give her up so soon. So badly I want to be able to go home right now and have her crawl on my lap for some loving.
See you in heaven sweet baby girl, you were loved and always will be. Until I see you again I will think about you daily and miss every bit of your crazy self.