This was by far the best concert I have been to in the last several years (well
CanFest wins out for the fun factor...).

Lady Antebellum did not disappoint. I loved every single minute of their concert. They were amazing!!

For starters it was at the Orpheum which is my all time favorite venue in Omaha as so insanely gorgeous and so much history, and we had very good/close seats as you can tell from this photo (no zoom used).

And I was with my wonderful family (and pseudo family Mike & Cathi)

Opening act was David Neal

He did a great job. Then came Lady A.

So talented and such great performers.

They put on an amazing show. With a little entertainment mixed in such as these Bees during American Honey.

Not only were the vocals out of this world so were the strings.

If you ever have the opportunity to see Lady A in concert run don’t walk!
*Sorry these photos aren't the best - I took my old camera as last time was told "Professional" cameras aren't allowed. Of course this time no one checked. Darn.