About a month ago I went to Grand Junction, CO for work. Had no idea what to expect but it turned out to be gorgeous! The weather was sunny and warmer than CB which in itself was much appreciated. One afternoon we finished our meetings early so ventured to the Colorado National Monument.

The Colorado National Monument is 20,453.93 acres, about 32 square miles of sheer walls and deep canyons which expose colorful geologic formations. The canyon bottoms, about 4,700 feet elevation, have ancient Precambrian rocks covered by Triassic-age Chinle, Wingate, Kayenta, Entrada and Summerville formations, then the Morrison Formation bearing dinosaur fossils.Three Cretaceous formations are exposed on top of the mesa , about 7,200 feet elevation. Independence Monument is a free-standing monolith that rises 450 feet from the canyon floor.
It was breathtaking.

We drove up the mountain on a pretty steep road.

And went through a few tunnels.

I don’t think I would have wanted to be the driver but I did enjoy taking photos nonstop out the window.

We did get out to explore a bit as well as they had amazing trails each prettier than the next.

I would have loved to have had more time to explore on foot and take photos. I wish I could say I was amazingly fit like this biker, no chance though. Mixture of altitude and the crazy incline and I would be walking my bike.

Plus what goes up must come down and I would be petrified to fly down the curvy mountain road!! If you are ever near Grand Junction this monument is worthy of a visit.
I have never been to Colorado, it looks beautiful! Great pics!
I grew up in Grand Junction Colorado from age 2 to 19. Haven't been back in several years though. Really enjoyed the pictures.
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