And then on to the best part – gifts!! (I will admit my brother, dad, mom, and I already opened our gifts on Xmas as we couldn’t wait).

And an amazing dinner prepared by my parents (I host the shin dig but my only requirement is to have a clean house with the tables set for dinner – my cooking skills could not even come close to the skills of my parents).

I don’t have enough Christmas china for all so had to resort to my everyday Christmas dishes for a few tables. May need more Christmas china…

Oh yeah there was a football game last night…Sadly the men had to watch it on my computer as I am cheap and have the most basic cable package ever (which did not include ESPN).

Sorry guys! I am not a tv person so not worth the money to me. My dad’s advice “buy one less pair of shoes a month and upgrade your cable”. Classic. A very enjoyable evening with family. Thanks family for a fun evening, great food, and the great gifts. Love ya.