I travel the world and am truly amazed with the sights, cultures, and people but in my eyes there is no place like home.
26 June 2013
B Cycle at the CWS
Omaha B-Cycle had a station at the CWS the last few weeks and I was lucky enough to try them out before one of the games. I would highly reccomend these bikes as a fun way to cruise around downtown Omaha and check out the views. They were so easy to navigate, super affordable, and they even have helments. Hopefully in the next year we will have a few stations in Council Bluffs as well so people can rent and ride over the bridge from one city to the next.
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17 June 2013
Auction for Africa
A fellow blogger is having an Auction with some amazing items to help with her mother's orphanage in Africa. All proceeds will go towards stocking this new home with food and supplies. This is such an exciting venture and I would love to help. For more information about the Orphanage and Auction check out Kimberly's blog - KimberlyTaylorImages.com
A few of the items she has for bid:
Good luck to Kimberly and her mother! Makes me even more excited for my upcomming trip to Guatemala - which of course I still have a LOT of money to raise in a short time frame.
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12 June 2013
Inspiration from Scripture
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart I have overcome the world." John 16:33
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10 June 2013
Family Reunion Snaps
Every year my mom's side has a family reunion at Platte River State Park. Even though at times it seems tough to carve out a whole weekend for family festivities I am always super glad I make the time.
Love spending time with extending family, seeing all the babies and watching them grow every year. Just a great time even if it usually involves a game of cards or two.
Plus I always enjoy staying at Platte River. It's rustic but that is part of the appeal and charm. Sadly this year it rained most of the time but still pleasant.
We even snuck away on Saturday for a little field trip to a nearby winery and brewery - Soaring Wings. Fun times had by all!
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06 June 2013
Not a Shabby View
I think it must be in one's blood - you either love the country or you don't. Some could take it or leave it. Me - the love runs deep. It's always a happy place for me and one day I will live where I have no neighbors in view, a big red barn in my backyard, a massive garden, and horses, chickens, and cows roaming free. Until then I get the enjoyment of weekend farm time. This picture was snapped looking out our old cabin window - obviously the window is dirty (as the cabin is falling down) but the view still makes me happy.
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05 June 2013
Mission Trip Excitement
I have some exciting news! I have been given an opportunity to go on a short-term mission trip to Guatemala from July 6-16.
My church is sending a team to minister to the children in an orphanage that has about 35 children ranging in ages from 3 to 15 years old. We will be putting on a vacation Bible school, playing games and sports with the children, teaching English to the older children, and sharing the love of Jesus with them.
The orphanage, called Hogar de Vida, is in a very rural area so we will also have a chance to visit a couple of small villages and minister to the people there as well. Our church has missionaries, Norman and Vickie Sutton, who work and live at the orphanage. You can read more about the orphanage on their blog at http://suttonsserving.blogspot.com/.
I really need your help. The cost of this trip is $1,900 and I need to have that amount raised by July 1, 2013. Any assistance you can give will be greatly appreciated.
To partner with me financially on this trip, you have two options. The first is to send a check to my church. Make the check payable to “Christ Community Church” and put a note on the memo line of the check that says, “Guatemala – Melissa Head.” The address to mail the check is:Christ Community Church, 404 S 108 Ave, Omaha, NE 68154.
The other way you can give is through PayPal. Just go to the website: http://www.cccomaha.org/give , click on "create account" and follow the directions.It will only take a few minutes. Either option is tax deductible.
I also really need your prayer support. Prayer that I will raise the required funds, that all my preparation will go well, and that my time in Guatemala will be successful. I I have struggled with asking for assistance for this trip. I feel as though I should pay for it myself or that others will think it is selfish I am asking for donations to go on a trip. But I also realize the more people I reach out to the more people that will be touched by this trip. The more prayers for those of us going and even more important for the missionaries and children in Guatemala. By asking for financial support it will also allow me to travel on more missions in the future and help a larger number of children.
Thank you in advance for your support both financially and through prayer. I am very excited to participate in this mission and to love on these kids in Guatemala that were not blessed with the same loving and nurturing home life as I. I will for sure take a million pictures during this mission and share with each and every one of you upon my return - I will also try very very hard to not snatch up that adorable little girl pictured above and bring her home with me.
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03 June 2013
Grandpa's Lilacs
Lucky for me I bought my grandparents home so I am blessed with a few remnants of his green thumb days. One of my favorites is his lilac tree. Every year when it blooms brings back great memories and the smell is divine. Sadly I missed good pics of the tree/bush this year but I was able to snap these few of this crazy tree in Niobrara that he also planted. So pretty - with our dilapidated cabin in the background.
These pictures don't fully represent how large this tree/bush is. It encompasses two sides of this sad cabin. We also took a bit of time to weed out his and my mom's rhubarb patch at the cabin. Another favorite of mine this time of year - I love strawberry rhubarb anything!
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