
20 September 2015

IWCC Black Tie 2015

Last Saturday we had the Iowa Western Community College Black Tie fundraiser. I love going to this every year and my mom always makes the best date. It has become a tradition of sorts to go together.
I wanted something other than black this year so stepped a little outside the box with this dress but got tons of compliments which was a win!

I loved my mom's fun shorter sparkly dress as well. It was a gorgeous fun evening.

Huge bonus = peach belinis during happy hour that were delicious. I challenged myself to more or less a month of no drinking prior to the event to give the body a much needed restart so was fun to splurge on champagne and wine that evening!
The event itself was followed up by an after party at Glory Days which was a lot of fun also. And turns out green is the new black! Several other girls also choose green over black (although the pictures don't really show it as well)

Always so much fun getting all fancied up, helping to raise money, and socializing with friends!

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