
19 December 2011

Habitat for Humanity

As seen here (and many other places) – the Mayor of Omaha and our Mayor made a bet over the IA v. NE football game. The looser had to build a home for habitat in the other town. So really there were no losers!

Iowa lost. So Mayor Hanafan recruited several of his favorite council members :) – the police chief, Community Development Director, and a few others and we spent a portion of our Saturday working on a Habitat home in Omaha.

I was tasked with the very skilled and difficult task of painting doors. Obviously I am lacking in home building skills so was happy to paint. It was very rewarding to know you are a part of something so great as providing a home to a family in need! Plus a great reminder at Christmas time that not everyone is as fortunate as I am.

I am hoping next year we have the Omaha crew in Council Bluffs working on one of our Habitat homes!

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading this post :) It is always great to do some service for others!
