I travel the world and am truly amazed with the sights, cultures, and people but in my eyes there is no place like home.
19 December 2011
Habitat for Humanity
As seen here (and many other places) – the Mayor of Omaha and our Mayor made a bet over the IA v. NE football game. The looser had to build a home for habitat in the other town. So really there were no losers!
Iowa lost. So Mayor Hanafan recruited several of his favorite council members :) – the police chief, Community Development Director, and a few others and we spent a portion of our Saturday working on a Habitat home in Omaha.
I was tasked with the very skilled and difficult task of painting doors. Obviously I am lacking in home building skills so was happy to paint. It was very rewarding to know you are a part of something so great as providing a home to a family in need! Plus a great reminder at Christmas time that not everyone is as fortunate as I am.
I am hoping next year we have the Omaha crew in Council Bluffs working on one of our Habitat homes!
Loved reading this post :) It is always great to do some service for others!