
04 February 2010

Has anyone heard of the Pepsi Refresh Project?

You submit a project idea for one of the six categories, then the public votes on the best ideas. Each month Pepsi awards thousands of dollars to the winning ideas. There are so many great options. Right now a fellow in my Spin class has an idea in the running. Here is the recap:
Preserve 15 acres of Iowa Loess Hills, they exist only in Western Ia.
McPherson Hills Neighborhood Association

To make into a preserve a 15. 5 acre tract of Loess Hills land.
We want to save from development a rare 15 acre track of Loess Hill land. Our hope is to make it into a Forest/Grassland preserve for future generations. The Loess Hills are one of the rarest on earth. Existing only in Western Iowa and China. As pressures on development raise this rare land formation is quickly being destroyed. The land is home to a large variety of wildlife and forest grasses. This reserve will allow people to walk through it and see the Loess Hills as when Lewis & Clark explored the Missouri river valley.

To vote click here. Would love your support as this is a great project and helps enhance our community and preserve the environment. I am thinking of submitting an idea next week for our neighborhood park. If you have submitted an idea send me a link and I will vote (as long as it isn't in competition with Council Bluffs)

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