
29 December 2009

Snow Day

Most people make a last minute run to the grocery store in preparation of a big snowstorm, not I. I made a last minute run to the paint store. If I was going to get snowed in on Xmas Eve and miss my traditional father/daughter shopping day I might as well be productive. This hallway has been driving me nuts for quite some time.

Yes, I painted it this color. Obviously I was a horrible painter at the time and also had no design sense.

Really who paints the ceiling, walls, and woodwork red? Yuckee!

Xmas Eve was spent working on beautifying this small space.

Don’t you love my “vintage” ladder? I borrowed it from a shoddy contractor – my mom and aunt think it’s a bit unstable….Thanks better paint skills (I still need a bit of work on staying inside the lines) and a brand new camera.

Voila. The new and improved entryway.

(please ignore the mint green peaking out amongst the woodwork, I have brand new trim waiting to be installed once I stain it. Sadly the entire interior was once this color!!)

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