
17 June 2009

Lost Passport!!

I leave for Germany/Denmark in essentially 15 days and my passport is officially lost. This may be the third passport I have lost (I only count two as one the bank in Amsterdam kept when I exchanged money). I feel totally irresponsible for loosing another passport. Today I applied for a new passport and paid all kinds of extra fees to expedite but no guarantee it will arrive in time!! Plus all my stamps accumulated over the past three years (yup my passports have a short life span) and the pink United Kingdom passport cover bought in London (always fun to pretend I am British) are gone. I am still hoping that it will show up – just for memory keeping purposes. But now I have to play the waiting game and hope that the passport Gods will shine down on me and ensure the arrival of passport number five before 3 July. Plan B is a quick trip to Chicago (the nearest passport processing agency) to obtain a passport - if that happens my passport fees will cost more than my plane ticket!

*I just realized this is my 100th post! Never thought I would keep the blog going this long. Too bad I am not posting on some wonderful far away adventure (I guess in a way this is the prelude to the July travel adventure) or crazy exciting good news.

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