
05 November 2008

Gloomy weather, positive thinking

Today is rainy and gloomy again, the forecast is that it will remain this way through Friday. I always hate when rain or dust interferes with the weekend. I guess I should consider myself lucky that the rain is very rare here and that I get more sunshine than gloom. I also need to remember how badly we need this rain and think positive instead of negative. If I was home in Iowa right now there would be no chance of hitting the pool over the weekend (even with the unseasonably nice weather they have been having), here at least I have a slim chance. So I am going to try to focus on the positives, the rain will be short lived, the rain will keep the dust storms from being so bad this summer, and the rain means no watering plants. Instead of the negatives, the rain makes me gloomy and miss out on the pool. Always better to think positive than negative. And maybe I'll end up here this weekend after all....

This morning as I worked out I was able to watch the election coverage. By the time I arrived at my office the election was over and Barack Obama was elected as the next US President. I was very much hoping John McCain would win and was of course upset he did not. I have enjoyed reading Megan McCain’s blog throughout the campaign ( ) and just really felt McCain would make an amazing President. However since trying for positive not negative thinking, I realized we as a nation made history today and elected the first black president ever. We choose to elect a President based on qualifications, views, political ties and did not let race become a factor. So even though my views are very different than those of Obama, I am proud that as Americans we have shown that we do not let race or gender (as both Hilary Clinton and Sarah Palin played a big role in this year’s election) stand in the way. Instead we focused on the substance. Shows how much we have progressed over a nation and will continue to progress. Next up will be a women president. I still wish McCain/Palin would have won but I will hope for nothing but the best for Ohama/Biden.

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