
14 February 2014

Happy Valentines Day!

"But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that’s just fabulous.”     Carrie Bradshaw

Was reminded of that perfect quote when Fabulous K posted today.

Happy Valentines Day everyone! Love how this is a holiday that can be celebrated no matter what, you don't need a "Valentine".  Celebrate yourself and those you love. I have a tradition of doing Valentine's dinner with my Grandpa every year. This started so long ago and is now something I very much look forwad to (often times my parents join in the fun). I have decided if I ever end up with a boyfriend or husband they are just going to have to share this day with my Grandpa.

13 February 2014

Paris in Less than a Day

No clue why I haven't blogged in months - I for sure miss blogging. Miss being creative and taking pictures. I have two amazing trips (one family vacation the other a mission trip) and hundreds of photos to accompany said trips.

I'm starting with the easiest which was a very very short trip to Paris. On our way to Mali we had an 8 hour layover in Paris so our team decided to venture out to the Eiffel tower.

It was a very very foggy day as you can see but to me it was etheral and pretty. The fog lending an air of mystery to the Eiffel tower and Paris.

Loved climbing in the tower for the first time (I've visted before but we never actually climbed the tower) and getting a birds eye view of Paris.


All the arhitecture and beauty always captures my heart. The extra details on each building make it stand out. Can't wait to go back again soon, hopefully in Spring or Summer when everything is in bloom and full of color with sunny skies.

My mom and I are way overdue for a London/Paris and small surrounding countryside visit without a doubt.